• Want to win? Then focus on the process

    We’ve often heard the saying, “It’s the journey, not the destination.” In sports, this is hardly the case, at least when it comes to goal-setting at the start of every season or before a big match. We have to make the Final Four this year. I need to win at least a bronze. We...
  • Reasons your child quits sports

    I came across a very interesting article written by John O’Sullivan, founder of the Changing the Game Project, regarding the reasons kids quit sports. I found it interesting and highly relevant to Filipino parents whose kids are either currently active in sports or young athletes who for some...
  • How to get your kids into sports

    With all the world-class sports taking place these days- from $100 million boxing matches and bank shot buzzer-beaters to amazing goals on the pitch and back-handed chips into the green- it’s hard not to wonder how great it would be if your own 8-year old were playing an actual sport instead o...
  • Secrets Of Asian Sport Psychology

    I finally get back to posting after almost two years! And what a way to come back — by promoting the highly interesting book, Secrets Of Asian Sport Psychology, which came out early last year. This is a compilation by fellow sport psychologists in the Asian-South Pacific region on the applicat...
  • Second Wind and Sport Psychology

    A few weeks ago, my good friend Hector Yuzon invited me to give a talk on mental preparation and sport psychology for a lot of his runner/cyclist/triathlete friends. Hector is one of the owners of Second Wind Running Store – one of the country’s first-ever running-only store concepts.  W...